A lightbulb, a pineapple, and a lemon in a plastic container with a piece of taffy on top of the container.
A brief survey of likely culprits did not yield any answers. In true OCD fashion, I have been ruminating on the meaning for the last two days. This is what I have come up with...
*It's dark in Spongebob's house and his lemonade needs sweetening
*Get an idea - you're welcome to my candy as long as you aren't sour
*Here's a thought. You're prickly on the outside and sweet on the inside... or sweet on the outside and sour on the inside.
*I'm screwing with your head.
I think the last one is the most likely. Of course, I'm not entirely sure who the cryptic message was aimed at - me, one of my kids, hubby, or the whole family.
I wish I had taken a picture before I threw the whole thing away... I could have shared it with you... or the police... huh.
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