I am on the verge... of a nervous breakdown... or greatness... it depends on the day.

Changing Careers - How Did I Get Here?

My biggest mistake was changing majors in college. I was an English major, hoping to teach HS English. I love reading and writing, so this was a good fit. Unfortunately, the outlook for employment was bleak. I considered my options and for some idiotic reason (to get a car so I could see my boyfriend more regularly) I chose to move to a community college and go into nursing. The outcome was a series of stressful jobs that I disliked... and a husband that I love.

After the birth of our first child, we decided that I would stay home with the kids. I'll go into my volunteer exploits later... But when my youngest reached first grade, I began to substitute in the school system. I knew that I wanted to work, yet be home when my kids were home. This was the best of both worlds, right? Wrong. The pay was awful and the job was worse. I dreaded that daily call and the stomach churning anxiety of walking into an unfamiliar class.

I decided to get certified as a Teaching Assistant and pursue a regular job. I managed to find one... but the full time hours were absolutely awful. I was stressed all the time, running from work to home to delivering kids to activities, to cooking, to cleaning, to feeling like I couldn't keep up. To top it off, work was miserable. You know when you get paired with that person who just doesn't appreciate you? Yeah, I was with her. It became unbearable all around, so I quit.

With this economy and my clunker van needing frequent repair, I knew I needed to do something- but what? With the guidance of an incredibly kind friend, I found Elance and began freelance writing about 2 months ago. I started with small jobs and found that I am actually quite good at this! My goal is to find some regular clients so I can count on the income.

I have just accepted my first long-term job posting for an audio book website. I will put a link here after I ask permission from the site owner... I don't think he'll mind!

I welcome any and all advice on learning the ropes of freelancing. I am constantly searching the web for resources. If you have any leads for me, post a comment!


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