I am on the verge... of a nervous breakdown... or greatness... it depends on the day.

The Freelance Lag

I am sitting here obsessively looking for my next freelancing gig. I'm bidding on projects, but nothing has come through for me just yet. This is the tough part... the waiting.

I've been freelancing for about two months and have been working pretty steadily, so hopefully something will come up soon!!!

I love to write. I live to write. I want to write. Somebody hire me.

RIP Pop Culture Icons

Yesterday we lost two pop culture icons: Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. I am saddened that MJ's death is overshadowing FF.

Yes, Jackson was a musical genius. He was also a strange, questionably insane and very possibly criminal individual. Yet he is the face dominating the news today. How many magazine covers will feature him with a tiny pic of Farrah in the corner?

Farrah Fawcett shared her fight with cancer, encouraging the public with her bravery in the face of a horrible disease. She was inspiring, but her death is overshadowed. How sad.

The Graduate

My youngest graduates from 6th grade today. This is not his first graduation, mind you. In fact it seems that every time I turn around he is graduating from something. What is going on with schools today? Why dilute high school graduation by graduating them from so many other things?

So far he has graduated from preschool, kindergarten, and DARE. By the time he gets to his high school graduation I will be tempted to give it a good eyeroll and a "been there done that" sigh! Why do kids need a ceremony every time they reach a mini-milestone? Can't we just give them a hug and tell them they did a great job? Can't I go back to bed this morning instead of sitting in a hot, stuffy auditorium watching kids clomp across a stage to claim their "diploma"? Apparently not.

So I have to go get dressed - in grown up clothes - and head out. Don't worry... because I love him, I will be grinning and clapping like the rest of the other parents who are also sighing and wishing they were in bed...

The New Beginning

Recently, I left a job that made me extremely unhappy. With the support of my wonderful husband, I am using this as an opportunity to do something that I love: writing.

I have begun freelancing on with pretty good results. I am still learning the ropes and paying my dues. My goal is to find a client with whom I can build a long term relationship and steady work.

I will be re-posting some of my blog posts from a previous collaboration as well as new entries. I hope to make this a resource for prospective clients to see my work... or maybe I'll just complain here... who knows?